Wednesday, March 12, 2025
English (United Kingdom)
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Received three individuals of two rare turtle species

On Octorber 19th 2012, the Turle Conservation Center (TCC), Cuc Phuong National Park received three individuals of two precious and rare turtle species, including two individuals of Keeled box turtle (Cuora mouhotii) and one individual of Indochinese box turtle (Cuora galbinifrons) from Huong Son Forestry Protection Department (FPD), Ha Tinh Province. Noticeably, the Indochinese box turtle is listed as Endagered species (EN) in Vietnam Red Book. Moreover, the species is listed under Group IIB of The Government Decree 32/2006/ND-CP Dated 30th March 2006 on Management of Endangered, Precious, and rare Species of Wild Plants and Animals. Accordingly, species listed under Group 2B are partially protected, allowing use of listed species for scientific study and international corporation purposes with appropriate permits issued by the FPD.

All of these turtles are dehydrated and weak reaction. Especially, on a rear leg of the Indochinese box turtle has a serious wound, which is possibly because of it has been trapped for several months ago. TCC staff are applying an intensive method of caring and treatment for the turtles at the center. (News and photo are provided by Bui Dang Phong)

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